QUICK FILL BURN-IN Sticks (Low Heat)
Click Above for Color Guide and Application Information Mohawk QUICK FILL® BURN-IN STICKS make filling defects quick and easy. The Quick Fill Low Sheen filler is designed to fill nicks, dents, and scratches, it’s the perfect filler for floors, cabinetry, vinyl-wrapped products, and photo-processed laminates. Quick Fill® is applied using the Battery Powered Burn-In Knife or Micro Therm™ Flameless Heat Gun Level without burn-in knives or sandpaper, simply scrape away the excess with a leveler (credit) card. • Low sheen • Quick simple application. • Use for floor nail holes and other small defect repairs. • Perfect for production, field service technicians, cabinet & floor installers
Set # 1
 Lt Red Mahogany M320-0001
Deep Mahogany M320-0002
True Brown M320-0003
 Ex Dark Walnut M320-0004
Cherry M320-0005
 Red Brn Mahogany M320-0006
 Lt Golden Oak M320-0007
Nutmeg M320-0008
Heartwood Cherry M320-0009
Cinnamon Sugar M320-0010
 Black M320-0011
 White M320-0012 |
Set #2
 Deep Brown Cherry M320-0013 |
 Dk. Red Mahogany M320-0014 |
 Perfect Brown M320-0015 |
 Lt Brn Mahogany M320-0016 |
 Int.Maple Laminate M320-0017 |
 Autumn Blush M320-0018 |
 Honey Spice M320-0019 |
 Statesman Oak M320-0020 |
 Rock Maple M320-0021 |
 Van Dyke Brown M320-0022 |
 Antique White M320-0023 |
 Driftwood M320-0024 |
Set #3
 Clear M320-0025 |
 Natural M320-0026 |
 Natural Maple M320-0027 |
 Natural Cherry M320-0028 |
 Tran Red Brown M320-0029 |
 Tran Orange Brown M320-0030 |
Tran Yellow Brown M320-0031 |
 Tran Green Brown M320-0032 |
 Tran Deep Red Brn M320-0033 |
 Natural Walnut M320-0034 |
 Natural Mahogany M320-0035 |
 Tran True Brown M320-0036 |
Quick Fill Sticks are only $5.35 each in sets of 12
LEVELER CARDS The Leveler Card is used with Quick Fill Sticks to level or to scrape away any excess. Also used to level Fil-Stik® Putty Sticks. NOT for use with Mohawk EZ flo or Merit Burn In Sticks. (One Card included with the Heat Gun & the QuickFill Set of 12)
HARD FILL Burn-In Sticks
Click above to review the Hard Fill Application Procedure
HARD FILL Burn-In Sticks Designed to fill minor and medium defects in wood furnishings and rigid plastic. Use for repairs on practically any flat surface, including tops, fronts, sides, doors, drawers and Excellent for Floors. Available in a range of colors to match surface finishing and blend repairs.| Use the Battery Operated Burn-In Knife or Burn-In knife to melt the stick into the defect. Use the Hard Fill leveling tool to carefully remove the excess filler without harming the surrounding wood surface. Colors are approximate representations of the actual colors. Variations may occur.
HARD FILL Set # 1 of 10 Colors
American Walnut M310-4057
 White M310-0202
 Black M310-0224
Honey Maple M310-0360
 Clear M310-0901
 Van Dyck Brown M310-1478
 Fawn Glaze M310-4012
 Lt. Oak / Hickory M310-4038
Mocha M310-4062
 Kona M310-4071
HARD FILL Set #2 of 10 colors
More Hard Fill Tones
 Light Cherry M310-0001
 Medium Cherry M310-0264
 Oak Hickory M310-4054
 Egret / Khaki M310-0095
 Ash Gray M310-0117
 Stone Gray M310-2000
Note: the *1 or *2 after the Color Name indicates set contents.
 Touch-Up Brushes are used for for blending and color correcting spot background fill-ins and touch-up repairs with Blendal Furniture Powders and 2 Minute Repair Liquid.
 A select brush for adding fine grain lines to spot finish repairs with Furniture Powders and the 2 Minute Repair Liquid.
BRUSH, Sable GRAINER #3585 Series
Sable GRAINER Brush (#3585 Series) Round ferrule Dull Black Wood Handle, ideal for laying in missing grain. Overall length ... 6.75 - 7in.
TWO MINUTE TOUCH-UP REPAIR Brushing Liquid is a special formula, clear, quick drying, brush-on, touch-up repair finish. TWO MINUTE TOUCH-UP may be used to create a permanent stain repair by mixing with Blendal Furniture Powders.
Create a quick drying graining liquid by reducing the Touch-Up with Lacquer Thinner.
Click above for Data & Application Information LACOVER PADDING FINISH
For spot color repair and refinishing. The most widely used “French Polish” padding finish in the world. Specially formulated for use with Mohawk Blendal® Powder Stains. Compatible with most known finishes. In one operation, the stain and finish can be replaced on worn or bare spots. Available in two solids #30 and #50. Use the #30 Solids when a minimum build is desired. The higher the solids #50, takes less time to build a finish and complete the job.
Also recommended for leather and vinyl. “Highlight” effects can be created on wood, leather or vinyl materials with this method Lacover® Padding Finish imparts new life to leather, prevents cracking and drying out.
Click above for the Color Guide BLENDAL Furniture Powders(aka Touch-Up Powders & MOB Powders)
 Blendal touch-up powders are used with a touch-up brush & Two Minute Repair Liquid, Qualasole, or Wipe on Water Base Urethane to color correct and blend finish repairs.
Also; To color Epoxy, mix the pigment into the A part then add the B part and mix well. See: COLOR THEORY for the Furniture Finisher & Woodworker
Brown Mahogany M370-2291
 Lt Walnut M370-2061
 Ex Dk Walnut M370-2091
Cherry M370-4081
White M370-2021
Black M370-2241
Blue M370-4141
Green M370-4131
Red M370-2421
Yellow M370-2031
Burnt Sienna M370-4761
Raw Sienna M370-4771
Raw Umber M370-01431
Burnt Umber M370-14351
Champagne M370-3351
Med Brn Walnut M370-2071
Van Dyck Brown M370-14781
Rock Maple M370-2251
Blonde M370-2221
Dk Red Mahogany M370-2271
Perfect Brown M370-2491
Yellow Ochre M370-3481
Lt Golden Oak M370-4151
Pine M370-15161
Colors shown for comparison only, color rendering subject to computer monitor limitations.
Ultra Penetrating NGR Dye & Solar-Lux RETARDER UPS Only
Ultra Penetrating NGR DYE & Solar-Lux RETARDER
NGR (non grain raising) DYE RETARDER slows evaporation and drying of NGR Dyes to give more working time and improve penetration, especially on hard dense woods.
With the newer Dye VOC Compliant formulation, use of the NGR DYE RETARDER is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED especially for dye application by hand.
Transparent DYES - NGR (Non Grain Raising) UPS Ground Only
Click above for Application Information - Click here to see the: NGR DYE Color Guide & Listing Solar-Lux / Ultra Penetrating NGR (Non-Grain Raising) Transparent DYE
Excellent fade & UV resistance. NGR Transparent Dyes are used alone on bare wood or to provide a base tone of color on which to build a final finish color with stains, glazes, and toners. Dyes contain NO Pigment Particles and therefore color wood without emphasizing the grain structure. Intermix colors to arrive at custom color tones. • For use on bare or stripped wood. • Reduce color with NGR Reducer (M520-00017), or Acetone.
• Use NGR RETARDER to slow drying and improve penetration, especially in hot weather or on harder dense woods. • Mix into Lacquer or Shellac to make transparent tints or toners. With the newer VOC Compliant formulation, use of NGR RETARDER is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for penetration and to extend open working time, especially for dye application by hand.
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The Deep JET BLACK (Behlen Formula) is back In Stock Please Click Here to See the: NGR DYE Color Guide & List
Please Note: If the factory packages a color in Pints we list and stock it. If not shown in our listing, the factory does not package that color in pints. ALL NGR Dys are available in GALLONS, Please Phone to order NGR Dye in Gallons not listed below.