Transparent DYES - NGR (Non Grain Raising) UPS Ground Only
Click above for Application Information - Click here to see the: NGR DYE Color Guide & Listing Solar-Lux / Ultra Penetrating NGR (Non-Grain Raising) Transparent DYE
Excellent fade & UV resistance. NGR Transparent Dyes are used alone on bare wood or to provide a base tone of color on which to build a final finish color with stains, glazes, and toners. Dyes contain NO Pigment Particles and therefore color wood without emphasizing the grain structure. Intermix colors to arrive at custom color tones. • For use on bare or stripped wood. • Reduce color with NGR Reducer (M520-00017), or Acetone.
• Use NGR RETARDER to slow drying and improve penetration, especially in hot weather or on harder dense woods. • Mix into Lacquer or Shellac to make transparent tints or toners. With the newer VOC Compliant formulation, use of NGR RETARDER is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for penetration and to extend open working time, especially for dye application by hand.
• • • • •
The Deep JET BLACK (Behlen Formula) is back In Stock Please Click Here to See the: NGR DYE Color Guide & List
Please Note: If the factory packages a color in Pints we list and stock it. If not shown in our listing, the factory does not package that color in pints. ALL NGR Dys are available in GALLONS, Please Phone to order NGR Dye in Gallons not listed below.
Ultra Penetrating NGR Dye & Solar-Lux RETARDER UPS Only
Ultra Penetrating NGR DYE & Solar-Lux RETARDER
NGR (non grain raising) DYE RETARDER slows evaporation and drying of NGR Dyes to give more working time and improve penetration, especially on hard dense woods.
With the newer Dye VOC Compliant formulation, use of the NGR DYE RETARDER is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED especially for dye application by hand.
DENATURED ALCOHOL (Behkol) Shellac Reducer UPS Only
Click above for more info About Denatured Alcohols: DENATURED ALCOHOL / Shellac Reducer
 DENATURED ALCOHOL, Mohawk Shellac Reducer (formerly Behlen Behkol), is formulated specifically to dissolve shellac flakes and dilute or 'cut' liquid Shellacs.
See the: Shellac Pound Cut Mixing Chart Denatured Alcohol, Shellac Reducer (formerly labeled Behkol) will make a shellac that has a little more open or 'working time', a good solvent choice for mixing your own shellac. Also used to dissolve alcohol Aniline Dyes. • 5 Gallon pails are Pick-Up, or North Bay Delivery Only. Call to place 5 gallon orders & arrange details. Note: The SAME PRODUCT in 1 & 5 Gallon packaging now carries the Mohawk 'Finishers Edge' label.
Click above for the Color Guide BLENDAL Furniture Powders(aka Touch-Up Powders & MOB Powders)
 Blendal touch-up powders are used with a touch-up brush & Two Minute Repair Liquid, Qualasole, or Wipe on Water Base Urethane to color correct and blend finish repairs.
Also; To color Epoxy, mix the pigment into the A part then add the B part and mix well. See: COLOR THEORY for the Furniture Finisher & Woodworker
Brown Mahogany M370-2291
 Lt Walnut M370-2061
 Ex Dk Walnut M370-2091
Cherry M370-4081
White M370-2021
Black M370-2241
Blue M370-4141
Green M370-4131
Red M370-2421
Yellow M370-2031
Burnt Sienna M370-4761
Raw Sienna M370-4771
Raw Umber M370-01431
Burnt Umber M370-14351
Champagne M370-3351
Med Brn Walnut M370-2071
Van Dyck Brown M370-14781
Rock Maple M370-2251
Blonde M370-2221
Dk Red Mahogany M370-2271
Perfect Brown M370-2491
Yellow Ochre M370-3481
Lt Golden Oak M370-4151
Pine M370-15161
Colors shown for comparison only, color rendering subject to computer monitor limitations.
POWDERED PIGMENTS Fine Ground Dry POWDERED PIGMENTS Natural Earth Pigments and manufactured pigments are used to color, tint, and tone milk paint, shellac, varnishes, lacquers, paint and liquid wax polishes, cement and reconstituted stone or marble, to mix with modeling plaster, wood pastels or putties. These fine ground pigments when mixed and blended into repair fluids such as Lac French, Qualasosle, or Two Minute touch-up make translucent to opaque colors for furniture finish touch-up and repair of scratches or blemishes. They are also used to patinate and age painted surfaces & new varnishes. Natural earth pigments do not fade when exposed to light. Blend pigments to obtain intermediate tones and colors. Earth Pigments are Not soluble in water or alcohol.
Click Above for VAN DYCK Crystal mixing instructions Van Dyck (Vandyke) Crystals, Genuine WALNUT CRYSTALS
Walnut Crystals yield shades of Brown from a Light Straw to Deep Brown. This traditional old-world dye is used to patinate or tone light coloured woods and enhance rich tones of walnut and other dark toned timber. Use on furniture, timber framing, woodwork, and small craft to achieve a natural aged look. An inexpensive and useful water Dye stain.
(not an aniline dye but, Very Useful as a base tone for intermixing with water based aniline dyes)
Click above for TANNIN Data Sheet Dry POWDERED TANNIN (Tannic Acid)
Tannic acid or tannin is present in woods like Cherry, Oak, Walnut, and Mahogany.
Tannic acid can be applied to woods low in tannin so chemical stains that require tannin content will react. Potassium Dichromate, rust water and ammonia react with tannin to yield rich wood tones. Mix with hot water - Instructions included.
(74% -77 %) Tannin Content QUEBRACHO tannic acid can be applied to woods low in tannin so chemical stains that require tannin content will react. The name is due to its hardness, being derived from two Spanish words, quebrar and hacha, meaning the axe breaker. In fact, quebracho has been used locally for posts, telegraph poles, bridge timbers, railway ties, paving blocks and for any construction where great durability is desired. Potassium Dichromate and Ammonia react with tannin to yield rich wood tones. Tannin is present in woods like Cherry, Oak, Walnut, and Mahogany.
POTASSIUM DICHROMATE (Bichromate of Potash)
Click above: Potassium Dichromate Data Sheet POTASSIUM DICHROMATE (Bichromate of Potash)  Potassium Dichromate Accelerates natural oxidation and yields instant aging. A traditional wood finishers water soluble chemical stain reacts with the tannin in tannin rich woods. Potassium Dichromate is used to age and darken (or dye stain) Cherry, Mahogany, Oak or Walnut a range of rich warm aged tones.
Click Above, for the can label and more information Bloxygen Finish Preserver for Unused Finishing Materials STOP throwing away partially used oil paints and varnishes - Use Bloxygen
Bloxygen uses ultra pure Argon, the natural inert gas drives the oxygen and moisture from the container. Simply blow the oxygen out of the container with Bloxygen, then seal the lid. The heavy, inert Bloxygen gas sinks down and blocks oxygen from the liquid surface. Because Bloxygen is heavier than air, it will seal the liquid from any air that may remain in the container. • Recommended for oil / solvent based products. • Up to 75 uses per aerosol. • NOT for use with latex or lacquer products. • Non-flammable • Non-toxic • Contains argon
Is BLOXYGEN expensive? It Is NOT expensive, BLOXYGEN lasts for about 75 uses for quart cans. If you save just one half of a $24 quart of varnish, you've paid for your BLOXYGEN. The next 74 uses are "free!"
Click Above for application information WIPING WOOD STAIN - The same formula previously labeled H.BEHLEN 15 Min Stain
Mohawk Pigmented Wiping Wood Stains are semi-transparent, pigmented, solvent-based stains that are non-grain raising, fade resistant, easy to stir, soft-settling formulas. Allow 30 minutes drying time before a lacquer sealer or topcoat can be sprayed. Apply by spray, brush or cloth. Pigmented Wiping Stains are easier to control because there's less lapping. An ideal uniforming stain when applied over NGR Dye stains prior to sealing. A dark color tone may be lightened with use of Wood Stain Reducer S-15. This stain will not bleed through the finish. Virtually any finish can be applied over Wiping Wood™ Stain: lacquer, shellac, varnish, polyurethane, acrylics and many others.
Fall/Winter Sale: Limited To Stock On Hand Note: Maintain the working characteristics of the stains by using the M545-0106 - Stain Base to lighten or extend the stain color. Avoid thinning Wiping Wood Stains with solvents. One Quart - Also Available In Gallons (Please Phone for gallon orders)
 Ex. Dark Walnut M545-2096
 Med Brown Walnut M545-2076
 Medium Walnut M545-02056
 Burnt Umber M545-14356
 Raw Umber M545-01436
 Black M545-2246
 Natural M545-0026
 Light Golden Oak M545-4156
 Dark Golden Oak M545-2206
 Jacobean (Oak) M545-10046
 Weathered Oak M545-10036
 Shale Grey M545-10016
 Dk Red Mahogany M545-2276
 Brown Mahogany M545-2296
 Perfect Brown M545-2496
 Brown Maple M545-2366
 Cherry M545-4086
 Antique White M545-4126
Note:The Pure WHITE # M545 -2026 is not shown on the above color guide
Click above for data & application information DESIGNER Series STAINS
 Mohawk Designer Series Stains are unique Dye with Stain colors that enable deep, rich, intense color development in one application that previously may have taken multiple color steps to achieve. These rich Dye / Stain formulations can be sealed in as little as 30 minutes under good drying conditions.
Designer Series products may be blended together to create custom colors.
Note: Colors are approximate representations of actual colors using modern process techniques. Color Guide variations (due to printing processes & display screens) may occur.
Important: Click above for Application Information Mohawk SHADING & GLAZING STAIN
FINISHERS GLAZE™ SHADING & GLAZING STAINS are a special blend of concentrated colorants and topcoat friendly resins (to ensure good adhesion between sealing and finishing coats) in a medium viscosity base. The formula allows the finisher to create unique toning and highlight effects over almost any sealed surface. Compatible for use with conventional and modern catalyzed finishes as well as conversion varnishes and urethanes. Use on a sealed surface, when using as a glaze. View or Print PDF Glaze Application Informaton
Concentrate colors are shown for comparison only, color rendering subject to computer monitor limitations.
Raw Umber M504-01436
Burnt Umber M504-14356
Black M504-2246
Raw Sienna M504-4776
Burnt Sienna M504-4766
Van Dyck Brown M504-14786
Dk Rd Mahogany M504-2276 |
Important: Click above for Application Information Heavy Bodied GLAZE
Mohawk Heavy Bodied Glazing Stains have a creamy texture for better control and easier application without dripping or running. Heavy Bodied Glazes are manufactured from the finest refined non-break Linseed Oil and micronized pigment colors. Heavy Bodied Glazes are excellent for special effects: 1. Highlights. 2. Grain 3. Color contrast 4. Antiquing 5. Frosting 6. Splatter or distressed appearance 7. Marbleized texture 8. Metallic effects with the addition of small amounts of bronzing powders Note: Glaze must be top-coated within 6 hours of application to insure lifting will not occur. CAUTION: Rags or other materials containing this product may oxidize and ignite. To avoid spontaneous combustion, All contaminated materials should be immersed in water immediately after use. View or Print: HEAVY BODIED GLAZE Data Sheet
Oil Based Liquid Wipe-On Penetrating WOOD STAINS
Click Above for Data & Application Information OIL Based PIGMENTED WIPING STAIN
General Finishes Liquid Penetrating Wipe or Brush on Pigmented Wood Stains have been the professional finishers favorite for over 50 years.
General Finishes Oil Based Wood Stains are made from the highest quality oils. This traditional pigmented wiping stain has good predictable working characteristics.
A traditional formulation for use on raw wood (new or stripped). Blend stains and Natural Stain Base to make additional colors, tints, or shades. To make Custom Colors, add the stains, UTC or oil colorants to the Natural Stain Base. Colors: Natural -- Pre-Stain Conditioner / Stain Base Honey, Honey Maple, Pecan, Salem, Danish Teak, American Walnut, Antique Cherry, Candlelight, Warm Cherry, Mahogany, Spiced Walnut
General Finishes OIL BASED Wipe-On GEL STAINS
Click Above for Data & Application Information Oil Based Wipe-On GEL STAINS
See: General Finishes GEL STAIN Brochure General Finishes Oil Gel Stains are heavy-bodied and do not penetrate as deeply into the wood as liquid oil based stains do. Oil Gel Stains provide the richest colors of any oil based stain available. "General Finishes make the professional standard in Gel Stains."
The popular color Java Gel Stain (Dark Roast Coffee color) has been featured in social media for upcycling and refurbishing of furniture and cabinets.
Colors: Golden Pine, New Pine, Prairie Wheat, American Oak, Colonial Maple, Candelite, Nutmeg, Antique Walnut, Brown Mahogany, Georgian Cherry, Java, Gray, Black
 Digitized colors shown are for reference purposes only. Always test stain on a piece of the same wood or a hidden area of the project to verify your desired color.
WOOD GRAIN FILLER (Paste Wood Filler)
A classic Solvent based formula, compatible with almost all sealers and topcoats. Mohawk Grain Filler is used for filling open grained woods. A fine blended mixture of silica, pigments, provides a smooth, glass-like surface for subsequent finishing coats. Must be thinned with Filler Reducer (depending on the wood grain) for use. Finer grained woods will require a thinner mix than more open grained species. Use over a wash coat of sealer. Tint or tone with oil colorants. ••• Our Grain Filler Scraper / Leveler is advised for even filling. A 24-hour dry time is necessary before top-coating. In general, a ratio of 4 parts Grain Filler to 1 part Reducer is recommended. - Quart Cans
Natural M608-4206
 Med Brn Walnut M608-4226 |
Mahogany M608-4236 |
Black M608-4216 |
Please See: Grain Filler Instructions: Printer Friendly PDF file
CHIP BRUSHES (China Bristle brushes)
Chip Brushes are disposable utility brushes made with white China bristle. Use for applying water or alcohol dye, stains, paint removers, glues, bleach, epoxies, dusting wood and metal chips, and for cleaning machinery.
• Square trimmed white China natural hog bristle • Natural bare wood handle • Inexpensive enough to use as a one time throw away brush
Our favorite brush for all water or alcohol solvent dye materials.
General Finishes Water Based DYE Stains
Click Above for Data & Application Information Water Based DYES
General Finishes DYE Stains penetrate deep into the wood to magnify the grain beautifully. Water Based DYES provide more depth and color vibrancy than any stain.
DYES are excellent for highly figured woods like mahogany, walnut, or maple. Dye stains can be used as a toner when mixed into Water Based Topcoats. Interior applications only.
Discontinued Clearance SALE -- Stock on Hand Only
General Finishes Water Based WOOD STAINS
Click Above for Data & Application Information Water Based Pigmented Wiping WOOD STAINS
 GENERAL FINISHES Water Based Wood Stains have all the advantages of oil based stains: they spread easily, can be repaired, blend effortlessly and have plenty of open working time. The thicker formula allows controlled penetration, which will reduce blotching on softer woods such as Aspen, Pine, and Soft Maples.
• For Interior applications Only. • Apply by brush or spray. Available: Pints, Quarts, (& on order Gallons)
Colors: Natural, Country Pine, Antique Oak, Pecan, Black Cherry, Walnut, Brown Mahogany, Espresso Not Pictured: Weathered Gray, Black

Closeout Clearance SALE -- Stock on Hand Only
Empty High Density PLASTIC BOTTLES  Cylinder Round Natural (translucent) Plastic Bottles.
Includes the Flip-Top Spout Cap.
The 3mm spout orifice provides an easy and neat means of measuring or dispensing small amounts of dye, solvent, or shellac.