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Authorized Mohawk Distributor

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New Hours Visit Our Showroom 9:00 - 4:00 Monday - Thursday 2465 Second Street, Napa Ca 94559
Thank You for your support, we appreciate your business, Ron & Pete.
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SHELLAC Flake, Button & SeedLac

See: Shellac Mixing & Usage Notes    Pound Cut Mixing Chart (Printable version)
 See: Myths & Facts about Shellac
More info on shellac solvent / reducers, click here:
Everclear 190
Shellac Solvent
Please Read: Not all Denatured Alcohols are equal. There is no purity standard
or required Ethanol percent content
to be labeled “Denatured Alcohol”
News BlogWood Finish News Blog

SEEDLAC is the least processed shellac. All other shellacs are made from this raw seedlac resin.
The insect feeds on the sap of the tree and secretes the Lac as a protective shell in which the females lay their eggs.

Seedlac comes from the branches that are covered by the Lac resin left by the lac bug, known as sticklac.
The sticklac is crushed to yield the seedlac. The Seedlac is sieved to remove organic materials, washed,
and dried in open a
Making  Button Shellacir.

BUTTON Shellac:
has the toughness and mar resistance that makes it the preferred shellac
for finishing floors, interior woodwork, and French polishing musical instruments.
Seedlac is heated by a charcoal hearth in a canvas tube, as the resin oozes from the canvas,
it is placed on a steel plate, and the buttons form. All Button Shellac contain a small
percentage of the natural shellac wax.

Waxy Shellac

are processed directly from raw Seed-lac. The waxy Lac varieties (shellacs) retain their natural color and wax content.
Wax content provides some flexibility & moisture resistance.
Seed Lacs, Button Lacs, Handmade Lac, and some Flake Lac are all waxy varieties.
'Waxy' shellacs are a good choice when the finish will be shellac only.

Use a DEWAXED Shellac for a universal sealer/primer and as a transitional coating between dissimilar finishes.
Use a Dewaxed Shellac when the topcoat, for extra water & alcohol resistance, will be a varnish, lacquer, or urethane.

Scroll down for a Shellac Variety Descriptions by Category, Photos, & related materials.
The 4 Oz. (1/4 Lb.) Sample Packs are listed with each Shellac variety.

DENATURED ALCOHOL (Behkol) Shellac Reducer • UPS Only •
Click above for more info About Denatured Alcohols:
Behkol Shellc Reducer

DENATURED ALCOHOL, Mohawk Shellac Reducer (formerly Behlen Behkol),
is formulated specifically to dissolve shellac flakes
and dilute or 'cut' liquid Shellacs.

See the: Shellac Pound Cut Mixing Chart
Denatured Alcohol, Shellac Reducer (formerly labeled Behkol) will make a shellac that has
a little more open
or 'working time', a good solvent choice for mixing your own shellac.
    Also used to dissolve alcohol Aniline Dyes.
5 Gallon pails are Pick-Up, or North Bay Delivery Only.

    Call to place 5 gallon orders & arrange details.
Note: The SAME PRODUCT in 1 & 5 Gallon packaging now carries the Mohawk 'Finishers Edge' label.

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• M650-0056  -  Denatured Alcohol (Behkol) Shellac Reducer - Qt. • UPS Only •  -  $19.95 $17.95 - On SALE !  -  Quantity   
• FE200-015-1  -  DENATURED ALCOHOL (Behkol) Shellac Reducer - Gal. • UPS Only •  -  $44.95  -  Quantity   
• FE200-015-5  -  DENATURED ALCOHOL (Behkol) Shellac Reducer - 5 Gal. • Pick-Up •  -  $184.95  - 

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

Click above for more info:
- The HOT Weather additive.
Shellac Retarder Slows Shellac Drying, helps to eliminate brush marks,
promotes a smooth surface, and minimizes orange-peel or over-spray when spraying. 
When the shellac is drying too fast due to heat, low humidity, or excessive airflow,
add just enough shellac retarder to enable easy application and flow-out.
Especially helpful in hot dry conditions or when airflow or drafts causes fast drying.
  Quart Bottle 
•  NOT for use with Lacquers.

SRQ  -  $12.00  -  Quantity   
QUALASOLE (French Polish) Qt. • UPS Only •
Click above for Product Data
The modern “
French Polish"
Qualasole LabelNow Available The Original BEHLEN Formula
                 "Behlen Qualasole - B611-00016"
Qualasole™ is a fortified French polish is an valuable product in the cabinet finishing department.
No oil is required for French polishing, padding, touching up, or renovating.
Apply Qualasole™ with a pad to raw wood or over any cured shellac, varnish, lacquer,

paint or enamel finish in the same manner as French polishing. A superior and durable
finish is obtained in a fraction of the time as compared to the old method.

Qualasole™ affects speedy, permanent, new finishes and renovations that do not show press marks after handling or transportation. Qualasole™ accentuates the wood grain and natural markings and produces a beautiful appearance that improves with age.

         The original H.BEHLEN Qualasole French Polish formula
manufactured exclusively for Wood Finish Supply /

     Read the application information from the 1944 Behlen Book "The Art of Wood Finishing"
            New Production Shipping Now

M638-22706  -  $36.95  -  Quantity   



Warm Neutral Light Caramel Golden Yellow Brown, seedlac,
excellent for older antique restorations and repairs.
Shellac Seed is the basic raw material that comes straight from the sticklac.

We supply 'Golden' standard, the finest grade kusmi seed.

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• KSL1  -  Kusmi SEED Lac Shellac - 1 Lb  -  $45.95  -  Quantity   
• KSL8  -  Kusmi SEED Lac Shellac - 1/2 Lb  -  $23.00  -  Quantity   
• KSL4  -  KUSMI SEED Lac Shellac - 1/4 Lb  -  $12.95  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

Bysakhi DARK SEED-LAC Shellac

Rich brown, Bysakhi seedlac is excellent
for darker wood finishes for antique restoration
and repair or refinishing.


Dark Bysakhi seedlac is a good choice
for Walnut and Brown Mahogany tones.

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• DSL1  -  Bysakhi DARK SEED Lac Shellac - 1 Lb  -  $38.95  -  Quantity   
• DSL8  -  Bysakhi DARK SEED Lac Shellac - 1/2 Lb  -  $21.95 $18.65 - On SALE !  -  Quantity   
• DSL4  -  Bysakhi DARK SEED Lac Shellac - 1/4 Lb  -  $12.95  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

THAI SEED SHELLAC (aka: Siam Seed-Lac)

 Thai seed 
has rich warm Red Amber tones,
excellent for use on Rosewoods, Mahogany, Cherry, or Redwood.

Intermix with other shellacs to adjust color or impart warm tones.

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• TSL1  -  THAI SEED Lac Shellac - 1 lb  -  $45.99  -  Quantity   
• TSL8  -  THAI SEED Lac Shellac - 1/2 Lb  -  $23.00  -  Quantity   
• TSL4  -  THAI SEED Lac Shellac - 1/4 Lb  -  $12.95  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

SUPER GOLDEN Kusmi Button Shellac
Click Above for photos
 SUPER GOLDEN  Kusmi Button Shellac

Use Super Golden Button on light-toned woods,
or on any wood where a light Rich Golden Amber tone is desired.
The heat during button processing polymerizes the Shellac resin,
resulting in a tough abrasion & moisture resistant finishing material.
Button shellacs are preferred for finishing floors, and interior woodwork,
by many French polishers, and for guitars and other stringed instruments.
The lightest tone of the Button Shellacs (seasonal & limited quantities)

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• SGB1  -  SUPER GOLDEN Kusmi Button Shellac - 1 Lb  -  $49.90  -  Quantity   
• SGB8  -  SUPER GOLDEN Kusmi Button Shellac - 1/2 Lb  -  $25.95  -  Quantity   
• SGB4  -  SUPER GOLDEN Kusmi Button Shellac - 1/4 Lb  -  $14.00  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

KUSMI #1 BUTTON Shellac (Caramel Amber)
Click above for Photo & Information
KUSMI #1 - BUTTON Shellac
Kusmi 1 Button Cooling
Kusmi #1 in HandCaramel Amber color develops rich warm amber tones on woods like mahogany, red oak, cherry, and douglas fir.
The heat during button processing polymerizes the Shellac resin, resulting in a tough abrasion & moisture resistant finishing material. Button shellacs are preferred for finishing floors, interior woodwork, by many French polishers, and for guitars and other stringed instruments.

Buttons retain some of the natural shellac wax)

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• K1B1  -  KUSMI #1 Button Shellac (Caramel Amber) - 1 Lb  -  $46.90  -  Quantity   
• K1B8  -  KUSMI #1 Button Shellac (Caramel Amber) - 1/2 Lb  -  $23.95  -  Quantity   
• K1B4  -  KUSMI #1 Button Shellac (Caramel Amber) - 1/4 Lb  -  $12.59  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

KUSMI #2 BUTTON Shellac (Warm Brown)
Kusmi #2 BUTTON Shellac
Kusmi #2 Button


#2  Button yields a rich Warm Redish Amber Brown - -
deeper toned than the Kusmi #1 Button,

Kusmi #2 Button looks good on oak floors, craftsman paneling, and wood trim.

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• K2B1  -  KUSMI #2 Button Shellac (Warm Amber Brown) - 1 Lb  -  $37.95  -  Quantity   
• K2B8  -  KUSMI #2 Button Shellac (Warm Amber Brown) - 1/2 Lb  -  $18.95  -  Quantity   
• K2B4  -  KUSMI #2 Button Shellac (Warm Amber Brown) - 1/4 Lb  -  $9.95  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

DARK JETHWA Button Shellac
Jethwa & Kusmi ButtonThis custom button has a deep, warm, dark amber tone,
excellent on darker toned woods
or on darker trim and floors
of the late 1800's to early 1900's homes.

Dark Jethwa Button is 100% Pure Shellac
and is an Exclusive to
for color reference: Dark Jethwa on the left Kusmi # 1 on the right

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• JBL1  -  DARK JETHWA Button Shellac - 1 Lb  -  $44.95  -  Quantity   
• JBL8  -  DARK JETHWA Button Shellac - 1/2 Lb  -  $21.95 $18.65 - On SALE !  -  Quantity   
• JBL4  -  DARK JETHWA Button Shellac - 1/4 Lb  -  $12.20  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

Click above for Photos & Information

Bysakhi Buttons
BYSAKHI Button Shellac is excellent
for classic rich tones on woodwork, floors,
and for antique restorations and repairs.
• Rich cooler Brown tones
100% Pure Bysakhi Shellac Button

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• BB1  -  BYSAKHI Button Shellac (Rich Brown tones) - 1 Lb  -  $47.65  -  Quantity   
• BB8  -  BYSAKHI Button Shellac (Rich Brown tones) - 1/2 Lb  -  $23.95  -  Quantity   
• BB4  -  BYSAKHI Button Shellac (Rich Brown tones) - 1/4 Lb  -  $12.90  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

 Handmade Shellac Flake
A thicker traditional hand-made flake with
rich Warm Cinnamon Amber Orange tones.

A good choice for restoration of older
classic interior and furniture finishes.
Use to enhance the tones of Mahogany,
Rosewood, Cherry etc.

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• HY1  -  HAND MADE, Lemon YELLOW Flake Shellac - 1 Lb  -  $36.95  -  Quantity   
• HY8  -  HAND MADE, Lemon YELLOW Flake Shellac - 1/2 Lb  -  $19.95  -  Quantity   
• HY4  -  HAND MADE, Lemon YELLOW Flake Shellac - 1/4 Lb  -  $10.50  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

LEMON Yellow / Orange Flake SHELLAC
Click on line above for Photos

Lemon Yellow Shellac

An excellent general purpose waxy shellac flake
of a warm creamy Lemon Yellow Orange color tone.

the Flake will look darker than the Mixed Liquid

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• LF1  -  LEMON Flake; Yellow / Orange Shellac - 1 Lb  -  $39.95  -  Quantity   
• LF8  -  LEMON Flake; Yellow / Orange Shellac - 1/2 Lb  -  $21.95 $18.65 - On SALE !  -  Quantity   
• LF4  -  LEMON Flake; Yellow / Orange Shellac - 1/4 Lb  -  $11.95  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

GOSSAMER MMTN -- Machine Made Shellac Flake

Medium Yellow color similar in tone
and slightly lighter than the Lemon Yellow/Orange.
MMTN flake is Extremely Thin & dissolves very quickly.

New Stock:  Nov. 2024

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• TN1  -  GOSSAMER, MMTN Shellac (Thin Flake) - 1 Lb  -  $39.95  -  Quantity   
• TN8  -  GOSSAMER, MMTN Shellac (Thin Flake) - 1/2 Lb  -  $19.95  -  Quantity   
• TN4  -  GOSSAMER, MMTN Shellac (Thin Flake) - 1/4 Lb  -  $12.25  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

Black Shellac

• On Light toned woods, the First coat yields a rich
   medium Cordovan (Bluish-Red) Mahogany.

• A second Coat is Deeper &
   Dark Cordovan toned Black.

• The third coat yields the BLACK with a
   shadowed hint of a DEEP Blackish-Purple tone.

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• BSF1  -  BLACK Shellac Flake - 1 Lb  -  $38.95  -  Quantity   
• BSF8  -  BLACK Shellac Flake - 1/2 Lb  -  $21.95 $18.65 - On SALE !  -  Quantity   
• BSF4  -  BLACK Shellac Flake - 1/4 Lb  -  $12.95  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

Dewaxed PLATINA SHELLAC (Super Transparent)

Dewaxed Platina Shellac

100% Pure, Genuine Dewaxed Platina Flake Shellac
Ultra Blonde Shellac
xtra Light Toned, Very Pale, Transparent.
A good choice to retain the light tones of woods
such as Maple and Spruce.

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• DP1  -  Dewaxed PLATINA (Platinum) Shellac (Transparent) - 1 Lb  -  $49.95  -  Quantity   
• DP8  -  Dewaxed PLATINA (Platinum) Shellac (Transparent) - 1/2 Lb  -  $27.35  -  Quantity   
• DP4  -  Dewaxed PLATINA (Platinum) Shellac (Transparent) - 1/4 Lb  -  $14.95  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

Dewaxed SUPER BLONDE Shellac (VERY LIGHT Pale)

VERY Light Pale Transparent shellac
with a slight warm golden amber tone.

Back in Stock - 2/5/25

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• DSB1  -  Dewaxed SUPER BLONDE (VERY Light Pale) - 1 Lb  -  $49.95  -  Quantity   
• DSB8  -  Dewaxed SUPER BLONDE (VERY Light Pale) - 1/2 Lb  -  $26.60  -  Quantity   
• DSB4  -  Dewaxed SUPER BLONDE (VERY Light Pale) - 1/4 Lb  -  $14.95  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

Dewaxed BLONDE SHELLAC (Light Pale)
Dewaxed Flake - BLONDE SHELLAC
Dewaxed Blonde Shellac

100% Pure, Genuine Dewaxed Blonde Flake Shellac
Light Blonde Pale
Yellow Amber toned.

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• DB1  -  Dewaxed BLONDE Shellac (Light Pale) - 1 Lb  -  $49.95  -  Quantity   
• DB8  -  Dewaxed BLONDE Shellac (Light Pale) - 1/2 Lb  -  $26.90  -  Quantity   
• DB4  -  Dewaxed BLONDE Shellac (Light Pale) - 1/4 Lb  -  $14.95  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

Dewaxed BEIGE Shellac (Neutral Blonde)
Dewaxed Flake - BEIGE SHELLAC (Neutral Blonde)
  Deeptone Beige

Medium Amber-toned


Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• AB1  -  Dewaxed BEIGE - Neutral Blonde Shellac - 1 Lb  -  $47.95  -  Quantity   
• AB8  -  Dewaxed BEIGE - Neutral Blonde Shellac - 1/2 Lb  -  $24.95  -  Quantity   
• AB4  -  Dewaxed BEIGE - Neutral Blonde Shellac - 1/4 Lb  -  $13.95  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

Dewaxed LEMON (Yellow) Shellac
Dewaxed Flake - Dewaxed LEMON (Yellow)

Dewaxed LEMON (Yellow)
Similar in tone to the standard waxy
Lemon Yellow Orange Shellac in a DEWAXED Flake.
Makes a rich Yellow Amber toned "seal coat" for use as
a universal primer or transitional coating between dissimilar finishes.

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• DLY1  -  Dewaxed LEMON (Yellow) Shellac - 1 Lb  -  $46.65  -  Quantity   
• DLY8  -  Dewaxed LEMON (Yellow) Shellac - 1/2 Lb  -  $23.95  -  Quantity   
• DLY4  -  Dewaxed LEMON (Yellow) Shellac - 1/4 Lb  -  $13.95  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

Dewaxed Orange / AMBER SHELLAC
Dewaxed Flake - Orange / AMBER SHELLAC

Rich Yellow Orange / AMBER color tones.

Use the Dewaxed Amber to make a rich amber
toned 'seal-coat' shellac for use
as a universal
sanding sealer / under coater, or for use as a
transitional coating between dissimilar finishes.

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• DOA1  -  Dewaxed Orange / AMBER Shellac - 1 Lb  -  $45.60  -  Quantity   
• DOA8  -  Dewaxed Orange / AMBER Shellac - 1/2 Lb  -  $24.60  -  Quantity   
• DOA4  -  Dewaxed Orange / AMBER Shellac - 1/4 Lb  -  $14.40  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

Dewaxed GARNET Shellac
Dewaxed Flake - GARNET Shellac

Garnet Shelalc Flake
Rich Brownish-Red toned flake shellac.

Excellent rich toned, for use on Cherry, Mahogany
and Rosewood, antiques furniture reproductions,
and for French polishing.

        New production arrived -- 11/26/24.

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• DG1  -  Dewaxed GARNET Shellac - 1 Lb  -  $48.95  -  Quantity   
• DG8  -  Dewaxed GARNET Shellac - 1/2 Lb  -  $25.59  -  Quantity   
• DG4  -  Dewaxed GARNET Shellac - 1/4 Lb  -  $12.95  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

Dewaxed MAROON / GARNET / BONA Shellac (Red/Brown Toned)
Dewaxed Flake - MAROON / GARNET / BONA Red / Brown Toned
Bona Maroon Flake
Use  MAROON / GARNET on Mahogany, Cherry, Rosewood,
and similarly toned woods to enhance the warm tones. An excellent tone
for antiques or to make a Dewaxed SEALCOAT primer / under-coater
or transitional coating between dissimilar finish materials.

Intermix the Maroon / Garnet liquid with other liquid shellacs
to adjust color to create a variety of warm rich tones.
(Maroon is sometimes sold as Garnet or Bona)

Temporary seasonal unavailability -- Will be listed as soon as new production arrives.

Dewaxed RUBY Shellac (Ruddy Amber)
See: Photo
Dewaxed Flake
RUBY - Ruddy Amber

Use Ruby on Mahogany, Cherry, Rosewood,
and similarly toned woods to enhance the red color.
Intermix the liquid ruby other with liquid shellacs
to adjust color to create a variety of warm tones.

Dewaxed Ruby
flake is made from the Thai Seedlac.

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• DR1  -  Dewaxed RUBY Shellac (Ruddy Amber) - 1 Lb  -  $47.95  -  Quantity   
• DR8  -  Dewaxed RUBY Shellac (Ruddy Amber) - 1/2 Lb  -  $24.95  -  Quantity   
• DR4  -  Dewaxed RUBY Shellac (Ruddy Amber) - 1/4 Lb  -  $12.95  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

Filter foreign matter or undissolved solid particles found in stains or finish coatings.
Paper Cone 6 in Dia., full flow cloth mesh tip leaves no finish in the strainer.
Seed, Button and Black shellacs benefit by filtering through layers
of medium Cheese Cloth first.
Use Fine Mesh for final straining of shellac, varnish, lacquers, paint,
and most any furniture finish, especially for spraying.
Strain through Medium filter followed by FINE mesh straining for best results.
Medium mesh is 226 microns  • Fine mesh is 190 microns  
One micron is equivalent to one one-thousandth of a millimetre.

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• PSM.20  -  FINISH STRAINER Cones, MEDIUM Mesh - Pack of 20  -  $7.00  -  Quantity   
• PSM.8  -  FINISH STRAINER Cones, MEDIUM Mesh - Pack of 8  -  $2.85  -  Quantity   
• PSM-250S  -  FINISH STRAINER Cones, MEDIUM Mesh - Sleeve of 250  -  $54.95  -  Quantity   
• PSF.20  -  FINISH STRAINER Cones; FINE Mesh - Pack of 20  -  $9.20  -  Quantity   
• PSF.8  -  FINISH STRAINER Cones; FINE Mesh - Pack of 8  -  $3.95  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

  Merit Logo STICK Shellac (Hot Melt Instrument Repair Sticks)
mss14.jpgSTICK Shellacs ('hot melt sticks') are made from select shellacs and resins.
Stick Shellac is the classic adhesive for woodwind pad installation.
Some musicians find a more favorable tonal quality as a result of using
Stick Shellac, and the firm, defined tactile response on key closure with
the harder shellac as compared to more pliable thermoplastic adhesives.

The #14 Medium Amber is made to blend with tan leather pads.
This adhesive formula is manufactured specifically for instrument repairs.
  (Made in the USA by Merit Industries) - - - 7 in x 1/2 x 3/8
The INSTRUMENT Repair Set includes one each of the 6 colors listed below.  $5.90ea by the Dozen.

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• MIR-SET  -  MERIT Stick Shellac, Instrument Repair Shop, 6 Color Set - 5.90ea.  -  $35.40  -  Quantity   
• MSS102.12  -  Stick Shellac, #102 - CLEAR - One Doz.  -  $70.80  -  Quantity   
• MSS102.1  -  Stick Shellac, #102 - CLEAR - One  -  $6.00  -  Quantity   
• MSS14.12  -  Stick Shellac #14 - Trans. AMBER, One Doz.  -  $70.80  -  Quantity   
• MSS14.1  -  Stick Shellac - #14 - Transparent AMBER, One  -  $6.00  -  Quantity   
• MSS12.12  -  Stick Shellac, #12 - AMBER (Transparent, DARK Toned) Doz.  -  $70.80  -  Quantity   
• MSS12.1  -  Stick Shellac, #12 - AMBER (Transparent, DARK Toned), One  -  $6.00  -  Quantity   
• MSS47.12  -  Stick Shellac, #47 - Semi-Trans. Dk. Brn MAHOGANY - Doz.  -  $70.80  -  Quantity   
• MSS47.1  -  Stick Shellac, #47 - Semi-Trans. Dk. Brn MAHOGANY - One  -  $6.00  -  Quantity   
• MSS27.12  -  Stick Shellac, #27 - BLACK - One Doz.  -  $70.80  -  Quantity   
• MSS27.1  -  Stick Shellac, #27 - BLACK - One  -  $6.00  -  Quantity   
• MSS001.12  -  Stick Shellac, #1 - WHITE - One Doz.  -  $70.80  -  Quantity   
• MSS001.1  -  Stick Shellac, #1 - WHITE - One  -  $6.00  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

SealCoat Universal Sanding SEALER (Shellac) • UPS Ground Only •
Click above for Product Data
SealCoat Universal Sanding Sealer
offers the time-saving versatility of a
refined Dewaxed Shellac in a pre-mixed 2 lb. cut 100% wax-free formula.
It’s the perfect sanding sealer because it penetrates the surface, dries quickly,
gives a rich tone to wood surfaces and since it contains no waxes or stearates.
SealCoat is guaranteed to be compatible with oil-base polyurethanes,
acrylic finishes, lacquers, catalyzed finishes, and varnishes.

SealCoat™ won't raise the grain and dries quickly.

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• SCQ  -  SealCoat Universal Sanding SEALER, Qt. • UPS Only •  -  $31.95  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

Aerosol, Bulls EyeÆ SHELLAC 'Clear' ï UPS Only ï
for More Information: Click Above
Bulls Eye® SHELLAC

Shellac in a spray can is perfect for crafts and small projects.
This finish yields a lustrous glow that won’t darken or yellow with age.

   • All-Natural, non-toxic, easy to use

   • Classic finish for wood trim, paneling, and furniture
   • Great protective sealer for crafts and household projects
   • Dries fast - can be recoated in under 45 minutes
   • Does not darken or yellow with age
   • Easy clean up with alcohol or ammonia and water
For Best Results:  Be sure surface is clean, dry and dust free and remove any wax or oils
   with Mohawk M712-1906 WAX WASH (WOOD CLEANER & WAX REMOVER) or mineral spirits.

AZS  -  $24.00 $18.95 - On SALE ! Quantity   

The classic traditional filler for French polishing pads.

The 'waste' comes from the cotton yarn left-over
ends of loom warp threads. 

An excellent filler to make French Polishing pads
with our
Trace cloth / French polishing cloth.

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• LFCW  -  COTTON WASTE, 1/2 Lb. Plastic Bag  -  $4.65  -  Quantity   
• LFCW.1  -  COTTON WASTE, 1 Lb. Plastic Bag  -  $6.95  -  Quantity   

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WOODTURNER'S FINISH Specially formulated for “On Lathe” application
Woodturner's Finish ends the problem of finishing a round wooden surface.
No more finish runs, unfinished, or under finished surfaces.
Turner's Finish is a ready to use, fast drying, padding finish, especially for lathe
finishing of round wooden objects: spindles, lamp bases, pool cues, pens, etc. 

• Fast drying finish for round wooden objects
• Use to create a wet look finish in seconds
• A ready to use shellac and resin based formula
• Develops a high sheen; rejuvenates most any cured finish

Formerly Behlen - B611-08885    Clean-up: Denatured Alcohol
Shellac formulation - thin with Mohawk Shellac Reducer / Behkol Solvent

M611-08885  -  $23.90  -  Quantity   

More Info: Click Above
A Single Fill brush, Only (1/4 - 5/16 in) thick.
Classic glider design, ideal for Shellac & Varnish.
The Lily brush will yield a thin, uniform application
of shellac or varnish. 
This brush is ideal for
shellac, varnish, 
and faux finishing of woodwork and furniture.
Pictured Sizes 20 - 80 mm  - Note: The 70 mm works in a Quart Can.


Genuine OMEGA, made in Italy. 

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• VB2  -  Brush, Lily Varnisher's; 20 mm (.79 in.)  -  $17.00 $16.00 - On SALE !  -  Quantity   
• VB3  -  Brush, Lily Varnisher's; 30 mm (1.25 in.)  -  $19.00 $18.00 - On SALE !  -  Quantity   
• VB4  -  Brush, Lily Varnisher's; 40 mm (1.57 in.)  -  $22.00 $21.00 - On SALE !  -  Quantity   
• VB5  -  Brush, Lily Varnisher's; 50 mm (1.97 in.)  -  $28.00 $27.00 - On SALE !  -  Quantity   
• VB7  -  Brush, Lily Varnisher's; 70 mm (2.76 in.)  -  $33.00 $32.00 - On SALE !  -  Quantity   
• VB8  -  Brush, Lily Varnisher's; 80 mm (3.15 in.)  -  $42.00 $41.00 - On SALE !  -  Quantity   
• VB100  -  Brush, Lily Varnisher's; 100 mm (3.94 in.)  -  $49.00 $47.50 - On SALE !  -  Quantity   
• VBSET.3  -  Brush, Lily Varnish, SET of 3 - 1 ea. 30, 50 & 80mm  -  $86.00 $84.50 - On SALE !  -  Quantity   
• VBSET.7  -  Brush, Lily Varnish, SET of all 7  -  $202.50 $197.50 - On SALE !  -  Quantity   

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   • NEW Item

                  2 inch brush pictured above

    Single Fill Natural Bristle Brushes
    •  These are well crafted Single Thick Shellac, Varnish, & multi-purpose brushes.
    •  100% premium natural un-dyed, un-bleached, 90% tops, flat trimmed hog bristles.
    •  Bristles are secured in the heads with a 2 part epoxy for solvent resistance.
    •  Plated ferrules.  •  Smooth unfinished Beech wood handles.
     NOT Recommended for use with waterborne finishing materials.
        Made in the USA
     • • • Click on a brush price-line to see the bristle specifications.

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• SFB-1  -  Brush, SINGLE FILL NATURAL BRISTLE - 1 in.  -  $5.60  -  Quantity   
• SFB-1.5  -  Brush, SINGLE FILL NATURAL BRISTLE - 1.5 in.  -  $6.30  -  Quantity   
• SFB-2  -  Brush, SINGLE FILL NATURAL BRISTLE - 2 in.  -  $7.30  -  Quantity   
• SFB-2.5  -  Brush, SINGLE FILL NATURAL BRISTLE - 2.5 in.  -  $7.90  -  Quantity   
• SFB-3  -  Brush, SINGLE FILL NATURAL BRISTLE - 3 in.  -  $8.95  -  Quantity   
• SFB-4  -  Brush, SINGLE FILL NATURAL BRISTLE - 4 in.  -  $15.65  -  Quantity   
• SFB-S3  -  Brush, SINGLE FILL NATURAL BRISTLE - Set 1, 2, 3 in.  -  $21.95 $18.65 - On SALE !  -  Quantity   
• SFB-S3.2  -  Brush, SINGLE FILL NATURAL BRISTLE - Set 1.5, 2.5, 4 in.  -  $29.85 $26.85 - On SALE !  -  Quantity   
• SFB-S6  -  Brush, SINGLE FILL NATURAL BRISTLE - Set of all 6 Sizes  -  $51.70 $46.00 - On SALE !  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

Brush, GOLDEN TAKLON Synthetic Bristle - 2700 series
Brush, GOLDEN TAKLON - 2700 series
2700 Brushes
• Wood Handles 5"- 6" -  Metallic lacquered silver color.

• Glued, and crimped to brush ferrules for no loose connections. 

• Total brush length 7" to 8..55" depends on size.

• Set of 3 = 1/2, 3/4 & 1 inch
• Set of 4 includes: Set 3 & the New 1-1/2 inch bush


   2700 1.5 Inch Wide - New 1.5in.Wide, 8.75 Overall, Handle 5in.

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• B2700.1.5  -  Brush, GOLDEN TAKLON, 2700 - 1-1/2 in.  -  $15.95 $14.95 - On SALE !  -  Quantity   
• B2700.1  -  Brush, GOLDEN TAKLON, 2700 - 1 inch  -  $11.00  -  Quantity   
• B2700.75  -  Brush, GOLDEN TAKLON, 2700 - 3/4 in.  -  $7.25  -  Quantity   
• B2700.5  -  Brush, GOLDEN TAKLON, 2700 - 1/2 in.  -  $3.75  -  Quantity   
• B2700.4  -  Brush, GOLDEN TAKLON, 2700 - SET of 4  -  $30.95 $27.95 - On SALE !  -  Quantity   
• B2700.3  -  Brush, GOLDEN TAKLON, 2700 - SET of 3  -  $18.95  -  Quantity   

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Brush, SHELLAC & LACQUER - 9743



    Golden Taklon Synthetic Bristle
    • Three sizes -- 1/2, 3/4 & 1 inch   • Total brush length: 7" to 8.5
    Excellent brush for small moldings, carvings, and detail work.

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• 9743.1  -  Brush, SHELLAC & LACQUER, 9743 - 1 inch  -  $9.00  -  Quantity   
• 9743.75  -  Brush, SHELLAC & LACQUER, 9743 - 3/4 inch  -  $7.50  -  Quantity   
• 9743.5  -  Brush, SHELLAC & LACQUER, 9743 - 1/2 inch  -  $6.50  -  Quantity   
• 9743.3  -  Brush, SHELLAC & LACQUER, 9743 - Set of all 3  -  $19.65  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

Brush, NATURAL OX HAIR #1775

    Tough durable quality brush of natural Ox hair.
    • Overall Length: 7 - 8.5 inch depending on brush 
• Lacquered Hardwood Handle
    For SHELLAC, LACQUER and all oil / solvent based dyes, stains, glaze and finishes.

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• 1775.1  -  Brush, NATURAL OX HAIR #1775 - 1 inch  -  $13.95  -  Quantity   
• 1775.75  -  Brush, NATURAL OX HAIR #1775 - 3/4 inch  -  $9.95  -  Quantity   
• 1775.5  -  Brush, NATURAL OX HAIR #1775 - 1/2 inch  -  $6.65  -  Quantity   
• 1775.3  -  Brush, NATURAL OX HAIR #1775, Set of All 3  -  $23.50  -  Quantity   

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PLASTIC BOTTLES, High Density Cylinder Round
PLASTIC BOTTLES High Density with Flip Top Cap
Cylinder Round BOTTLES
Natural (translucent) Plastic Bottle including the Flip-Top Spout Cap.

The 3mm spout orifice provides an easy and neat means
of measuring or dispensing small amounts of dye, solvent, or shellac.

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• PBQ  -  Empty High Den. Plastic Bottle /Flip Top Cap, (32 Oz) Qt.  -  $3.95  -  Quantity   
• PBP  -  Empty High Den. Plastic Bottle / Flip Top Cap, (16 Oz) PINT  -  $3.40  -  Quantity   
• PB8  -  Empty High Den. Plastic Bottle / Flip Top Cap, (8 Oz) 1/2 Pint  -  $2.95  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click


Finishing and restoring using traditional techniques.

Derek Jones demystifies the process, demonstrating that
this finish is easier than most people think.
French polishing consists of laying down one thin coat of shellac
over another to produce a tough, high-gloss finish.

• Finishing and restoring using traditional techniques
Well illustrated, over 150 Color Photos, and many highlighted ‘Pro Tips’

• Paperback • 5 7/8 x 8 1/4 • 112 pages

BFPDJ  -  $17.95  -  Quantity   

Click above for more information
- 1910 Reprint 
French Polishers Handbook 1910 Reprint
(1910 Reprint)
104 pages, 5.8 in. x 8.3 in.
This Reprint is spiral bound with a protective cover -
great for in-shop use, lays perfectly flat & folds back on itself.
Pagination and format is an exact facsimile of the original book.

A valuable resource for those working on antiques.
Several historic finishing recipes are included.
The book includes some fascinating 'lost' information and recipes for furniture stains.

FPB  -  $16.95  -  Quantity   
Book, Classic Finishing Techniques - Sam Allen - Hardcover
Classic Finishing Techniques - Sam Allen - Hardcover
Classic Finishing

"Allen takes great pains in instructing woodworkers
how to apply centuries-old finishes." - Booklist.

"Demonstrates how to use French polish, varnishes,
oil and wax finishes, natural and chemical stains,
fumed finishes, and milk paint. Allen, an expert in the field,
provides good directions and helpful color illustrations....
Recommended." -  Library Journal.
This book, out of print, has an excellent French Polishing section.
We have Pre-Owned Hardcover volumes - Good Condition,
2 in stock..

BCFT.H  -  $18.90  -  Quantity   

Click above for more information
Shellac Wax is produced during refining of Seedlac
(which contains around 5% wax) into
Dewaxed Shellac (that contains up to 0.2% wax).
The wax is removed by filtration and recovered. 
Shellac Wax is the second hardest natural wax after Carnauba Wax
and has a melting point range of 77–86 degrees Celsius.
It has similar high gloss polishing properties to Carnauba Wax
and Candelilla Wax.

Please enter quantities of desired items below then click

• SWRC1  -  Shellac WAX (Raw Chunks) 1 Pound  -  $38.95  -  Quantity   
• SWRC8  -  Shellac WAX (Raw Chunks) 8 Oz. / 1/2 Lb.  -  $20.95  -  Quantity   

Please enter quantities of desired items above then click

SEED LAC is the least processed shellac. All other shellacs are made from this raw seedlac resin.
The insect feeds on the sap of the tree and secretes the Lac as a protective shell in which the female lay their eggs.

Seedlac is made from the branches that are covered by the Lac resin left by the lac bug, known as sticklac.
The sticklac is crushed to yield the seedlac.  The Seedlac is sieved to remove organic materials, washed and dried in open air.Making Button Lac


BUTTON Shellac
has toughness and mar resistance that makes it the preferred shellac for
finishing floors,
interior woodwork and French polishing musical instruments.
Heating the seed to form buttons polymerizes the shellac resin to yield a more
scuff and abrasion resistant shellac.

Waxy Shellac

are processed directly from raw Seed-lac. The waxy Lac varieties (shellacs) retain their natural color and wax content.
Wax content provides some flexibility & moisture resistance.
Seed Lacs, Button Lacs, Handmade Lac, and some Flakes are all waxy varieties.
'Waxy' shellacs are a good choice when the finish will be shellac only.

Use a DEWAXED Shellac to make a universal sealer / primer and as a transitional coating between dissimilar finishes.
Use a Dewaxed Shellac when the topcoat, for extra water & alcohol resistance, will be a varnish, lacquer or urethane.

The Story of Shellac
by Zinsser Co., Inc.
In celebration of 155 years manufacturing shellac, Zinsser revised this booklet in 2004,
which was first published in 1913
and reprinted seventeen times throughout the years.

