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Friday, November 8th Class Information click: The 'ART' of Wood Finishing

KUSMI #1 BUTTON Shellac (Caramel Amber)

Garnet Shellac Flake

Kusmi # 1 Button
Caramel Amber
A warm tone for woods like Mahogany, Red Oak, Cherry, Pine and Fir.

Buttonlac is a unique shellac product preferred by restorers
and those looking for a very protective shellac finish.
It is superb for French polishing because of its hardness.
The processing of buttonlac polymerizes it, resulting in a very tough material.
Button Lac is the prefered choice for finishing floors, tough & moisture resistant.

Note: Buttons vary in thickness,
therefore the Button photo is only a basic indicator
of the liquid shellac tone.

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• K1B1  -  KUSMI #1 Button Shellac (Caramel Amber) - 1 Lb  -  $46.90  -  Quantity   
• K1B8  -  KUSMI #1 Button Shellac (Caramel Amber) - 1/2 Lb  -  $23.95  -  Quantity   
• K1B4  -  KUSMI #1 Button Shellac (Caramel Amber) - 1/4 Lb  -  $12.59  -  Quantity   

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