Sep 292018

“Not all Denatured Alcohols are equal”

USE a GOOD Shellac Solvent for making your own shellac ‘Seal Coat’ finish.
A ‘denaturant’ is added to Ethanol Alcohol (a drinkable spirit) to make it unfit for consumption.
The original denaturant was Methanol Alcohol.
The term ‘methylated spirit’ is still sometimes used when referring to Denatured Alcohol. ——–

Unfortunately NOT all Denatured Alcohols are equal and there is no purity standard for ethanol content to be labeled  “Denatured Alcohol”. High test, 190 proof (5% denaturents), Denatured Alcohol is preferred as a Shellac flake solvent.

It is next to impossible to find a 190 proof alcohol at the ‘big box’ home improvement or hardware stores. Many brands have as little as 50-60% Ethanol – and the balance cheaper alcohols and denaturing solvents.
Recently I went
in search of high test Denatured. Out of ten paint, hardware and home improvement stores – only the local Sherwin Williams paint store had 190 Proof. The Material Safety Data Sheet will list the ingredient percentages of the product (most cans do not).

A 190 Proof Denatured Alcohol is operator and earth, ‘Green’, friendly.
“Klean-Strip Green” is one retail brand of ‘190’ Proof Denatured Alcohol.
If you find a 190 proof Denatured Alcohol, buy locally and save on shipping.

We ship Alcohol in Quarts & Gallons

•• Shellac Reducer ‘Behkol Alcohol’ (Denatured Alcohol) is formulated by MOHAWK specifically to dissolve shellac flakes and dilute or ‘cut’ liquid Shellacs.  Shellac Reducer will make a shellac that has
a little more open and working time.

Shop Note: By using a known Denatured Alcohol proof or purity and settling on a brand you will have more predictable results by eliminating one finishing variable.

We adjust for weather and heat conditions by adding SHELLAC Retarder (not lacquer retarder).
When the shellac is drying too fast due to heat, low humidity, or excessive airflow, add just enough retarder to enable easy application.
When spraying, shellac retarder will help eliminate over-spray and orange-peel.
Avoid over-use of the retarder.  Keep in mind that use of the retarder will require longer drying times between coats of shellac.

To: ‘Pound Cut’ Mixing Ratio
for Shellac Flake in Denatured Alcohol
Printable vesion (pdf)

BLACK Shellac

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May 142016

“BLACK Shellac” ••  Yes! Black

Black waxy shellac is obtained from the by-products of seedlac, waxy shellac production and rosin. The color is all natural from the raw materials. No additional pigment is added.

• The first coat on Light toned woods has a Cordovan
     (Blue Red) Mahogany tone.

•• A second coat is Deeper and Dark Cordovan toned Black.
••• The third coat yields the BLACK!
       with a shadowed hint of DEEP Blackish-Purple.

Note: To obtain a Deep Rich Black on blond or light toned woods,
use a Black DYE on the bare wood to obtain optimum richness and depth of tone

Shellac  Description & Price List

Paint Strainers – now available

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Sep 082012

Paint Strainers

Filter foreign matter or undissolved solid particles found in various stains or finish coatings (Shellac, varnish, lacquer, stains or paints).
Paper cone with a full flow mesh tip for faster performance and no wasted finish left in the strainer.

We like these paper cone strainers for filtering of Shellac solutions.
Shellac resin with more natural organic materials may clog these strainers if used for first filtering. The Seed, Button and Black shellacs benefit by filtering through layers of coarser Cheese Cloth first.

available: FC8 – Pack of 8   &    FC20 – Pack of 20

• • • • •

French Polisher’s Handbook

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Apr 192011

French Polisher's Handbook

Facsimile Reprint of

French Polisher’s

Circa 1910 London,
104 pages,  5.8 in. × 8.3 in.

A wealth of early information on
furniture polishing, gilding, bronzing, etc.

Special – With any order – $15.95

CA, add 8.75% ($1.15) sales tax
NOW Shipping !

(This ‘Shop Copy’ is spiral bound to lay perfectly flat on the bench)
Place your order here:

INTERNATIONAL Orders — Post Paid Pricing


THAI Seedlac

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Mar 202010

THAI Seedlac

THAI Seedlac yields rich warm Red amber tones, excellent for rosewoods, mahogany, redwood.
Intermix with other shellacs to impart reddish warm tones.
These coarse raw seeds remind me of crushed red brick.

Seedlacs are harvested from the “sticklac” by crushing and sieving to remove organic material leaving behind the “seed”.
The sieved lac is washed to remove insect parts and other soluble material, leaving the product we know as seedlac.
The prefix “seed” refers to the seed like pellet shape of this basic natural material from which all shellac is made.

Strain the liquid shellac through a paint filter or cheesecloth,
to remove any organic debris (proof this is an organic & natural product).

The natural colors of the seedlacs are result of the sap consumed by the lac insect and the season of harvest.

See all our seedlacs at:The Shellac Variety List

Shellac Care & Use Tips

 Shellac Flakes, Wood Finishing Tricks  Comments Off on Shellac Care & Use Tips
Jan 212010

A word about:
SHELLAC   —   “Packing” or “Blocking”

Dewaxed shellac flake when exposed to high heat tends to “block” or pack together in small, or occasionally, large chunks or ‘blocks’.

NOTE: Blocking is Not detrimental to the shellac flake.
If you leave a pound dewaxed flake under the weight of other supplies in a closed car trunk on a hot summer day the result can be a SOLID brick. (I won’t do that again!)

• Avoid blocking; store shellac flake Sealed Against Moisture in a Cool Dry location (under 70°F). If the flake blocks, wrap larger chunks in cloth or thick plastic sheeting, to keep them from flying all over the room, and reduce them to a manageable size with a hammer or dead blow mallet.

We try our best (importing via AIR) to give you only the finest flake and to avoid blocking. We however have little control if product sits in a delivery van or air container on a hot day.

More Hints:

Use a high-test denatured alcohol around 10 % denaturants or less. If the label does not say, the MSDS sheet for the brand will have the mixture percentages.  A 190 Proof Denatured Alcohol has 5% denaturant.

• A warm environment will aid the alcohol in dissolving flake.
place alcohol or shellac on or near any source of heat.

• In a cooler room set the lidded bottle of dissolving shellac flake in a container of Hot (not boiling) water to aid in dissolving. You can pulverize buttons and flake in a coffee grinder or in a blender to speed dissolving.

• Strain the working shellac solution through layers of cloth to remove any particles of dirt or organic material.

• Evaluate flake color when in liquid, variation in flake thickness from production batches can make a thinner flake look lighter in tone. Slight seasonal variations do occur in a natural product but they will be within the laboratory acceptable color range.

• Blending Flake Colors or Tones
For repeatable results, inter mix or blend shellac colors only in liquid form.

Print friendly PDF version: Shellac Flake Care
•••  Wood Finish Supply … Napa, CA