Nov 032018

Smooth Coat Lacquer

The New Name (says what it delivers) and with the same Great Features!
Aerosol now called Smooth Coat Lacquer (aka Waxing Lacquer)
A Hand Rubbed Feel and Look straight from the can.

Smooth Coat Lacquer has 3 attributes that make it one
of the best, if not the best, aerosol for applying a Final Topcoat finish
on small to medium-sized projects.

1.     The solids content are over 15%, well above the average aerosol.
As a result, Smooth Coat builds surprisingly quickly for an aerosol.

2.     A Fan spray head creates a wide spray pattern and delivers the lacquer at a high rate.
The Special Spray head and high solids facilitate a fast build, easy-to-apply finish.

3.     Smooth Coat contains a special wax formulation sheered into the lacquer.
Smooth Coat’s formulation allows the lacquer to flow, and level exceptionally well.

No actual rubbing is needed,
just the look and feel of a hand-rubbed and waxed finish.

Using Smooth Coat™
Smooth Coat
Aerosol Lacquer builds quickly and feels silky smooth.
The  additive dries as part of the finish resulting in a topcoat film, right out of the can,
that feels and looks like it has been hand-rubbed and wax polished.

Note: (Smooth Coat™ is intended as a Topcoat ONLY
Build the finish with a sealer coat and one or two applications of Gloss Lacquer
(for clarity and durability

More  Info & Smooth Coat Finishing Schedule

To: Aerosols Listing

Sep 292018

“Not all Denatured Alcohols are equal”

USE a GOOD Shellac Solvent for making your own shellac ‘Seal Coat’ finish.
A ‘denaturant’ is added to Ethanol Alcohol (a drinkable spirit) to make it unfit for consumption.
The original denaturant was Methanol Alcohol.
The term ‘methylated spirit’ is still sometimes used when referring to Denatured Alcohol. ——–

Unfortunately NOT all Denatured Alcohols are equal and there is no purity standard for ethanol content to be labeled  “Denatured Alcohol”. High test, 190 proof (5% denaturents), Denatured Alcohol is preferred as a Shellac flake solvent.

It is next to impossible to find a 190 proof alcohol at the ‘big box’ home improvement or hardware stores. Many brands have as little as 50-60% Ethanol – and the balance cheaper alcohols and denaturing solvents.
Recently I went
in search of high test Denatured. Out of ten paint, hardware and home improvement stores – only the local Sherwin Williams paint store had 190 Proof. The Material Safety Data Sheet will list the ingredient percentages of the product (most cans do not).

A 190 Proof Denatured Alcohol is operator and earth, ‘Green’, friendly.
“Klean-Strip Green” is one retail brand of ‘190’ Proof Denatured Alcohol.
If you find a 190 proof Denatured Alcohol, buy locally and save on shipping.

We ship Alcohol in Quarts & Gallons

•• Shellac Reducer ‘Behkol Alcohol’ (Denatured Alcohol) is formulated by MOHAWK specifically to dissolve shellac flakes and dilute or ‘cut’ liquid Shellacs.  Shellac Reducer will make a shellac that has
a little more open and working time.

Shop Note: By using a known Denatured Alcohol proof or purity and settling on a brand you will have more predictable results by eliminating one finishing variable.

We adjust for weather and heat conditions by adding SHELLAC Retarder (not lacquer retarder).
When the shellac is drying too fast due to heat, low humidity, or excessive airflow, add just enough retarder to enable easy application.
When spraying, shellac retarder will help eliminate over-spray and orange-peel.
Avoid over-use of the retarder.  Keep in mind that use of the retarder will require longer drying times between coats of shellac.

To: ‘Pound Cut’ Mixing Ratio
for Shellac Flake in Denatured Alcohol
Printable vesion (pdf)

Butcher Block Oil

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Apr 182016

Howards Cutting Board Oil

Butcher Block & Salad Bowl Oil

An excellent Protective Maintenance Oil for
Wood Cutting Boards, Chopping Blocks & Salad Bowls

• Approved for contact with food
• Environmentally-friendly, non-toxic
• No dyes, perfumes or nut oils that could cause allergic reactions
• Penetrates into the wood
• Protects against drying, cracking and water damage

More Info: Care of cutting boards and natural wood bowls

Paint Strainers – now available

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Sep 082012

Paint Strainers

Filter foreign matter or undissolved solid particles found in various stains or finish coatings (Shellac, varnish, lacquer, stains or paints).
Paper cone with a full flow mesh tip for faster performance and no wasted finish left in the strainer.

We like these paper cone strainers for filtering of Shellac solutions.
Shellac resin with more natural organic materials may clog these strainers if used for first filtering. The Seed, Button and Black shellacs benefit by filtering through layers of coarser Cheese Cloth first.

available: FC8 – Pack of 8   &    FC20 – Pack of 20

• • • • •

Mar 032012

H. BEHLEN Finishing
Finishing Products Label Text

Label information from the product packages in a
Type Size You Can Read

If you wear reading glasses (I do) the type face on some small labels
is so tiny
a magnifying glass becomes necessary.
Even worse, sometimes a stain drip or sticky fingerprint obscures
the application information, drying times, or other important label text
& some information is too extensive to fit on the product label.

These frustrations gave birth to our  BEHLEN Label Text & Data Pages

• • • • •

Waxing Furniture

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Jan 012012

Waxing Furniture & Fine Wood Finishes

Apply Sparingly – a little wax goes a long way!

For all wax polishing, wait until all the solvent evaporates prior to buffing.
Paste Waxes differ in composition; some blends require longer times for the solvent,
that makes for the ease of wax application, to evaporate.

It is important to apply all paste waxes sparingly, in a THIN EVEN coat.
This will assure even drying and yield an even sheen result when buffing
(a thicker area of wax will dry slower, and those areas will not buff
to as high a sheen).

If you buff too soon, the buffing is just pushing soft (uncured) wax around.
I usually wait (to allow the solvent to evaporate) on furniture makers waxes for an hour & up to 4 hours before buffing.
Use a Soft 100% cotton cloth (free of any seams or stitching) for buffing.
Old worn out 100% cotton t-shirts, linens, diapers and well used and laundered terry cloth will work well.
The softer the buffing cloth, the higher the resulting sheen.

On older pieces of furniture, and other wood surfaces, it is important to clean the item first of any dirt, oils or accumulated grime.
Residual oils, grime and some aerosol care products left on the surface can prevent the wax from drying properly and can lead to a splotchy uneven result.
Maintain and protect the waxed surface with another thin coat of wax as needed.

A good wax layer is the best protection from moisture, dirt and abrasion.
Avoid the use of all maintenance oils & silicone containing aerosols.

To: Paste Wax Polishes & care